Thursday 30 October 2008

Amos has returned. He had a good time, went to the cinema, science museum and made brownies. Was, as expected, very blase about travelling on the train by himself, despite not having done so before.

The girls are driving me madder, as they tend to. Constant bickering mostly, though covering half the dining room in flour when I wasnt looking didnt impress me greatly either. They were making biscuits.

I still have Hallie here, who has in general been fine. She does have a tendency to fuss over the oddest things. Its an attention seeking thing, and I refuse to play that game. Once she realises this, shes fine, and amazingly is no longer bothered. All of them are going to a non halloween party tomorrow, and I think she can go home after that. I will probably take advantage of them all being elsewhere and go to tescos :-\

When not trying to referee children, I've mostly been addicted to a game on facebook, Bubble town. I cant get past level 13 though :(

Having slept as much as possible, and done very little for a couple of days, I am at least now feeling as awake as I get. And am definitely looking forward to the resumption of peace when children all go away again!

Its now 10 months since I last had any alcohol, and its moments like this when I jsut about have kids in bed and asleep that a glass of something cold, dry, and wine like really appeals. Roll on January \o/


Kaz said...

10 months!!! you deserve a bloody medal woman

Jessie said...

Well done you Ellie thats brilliant.

Kaz said...

Oi its been a week.. where are you