Tuesday 7 October 2008


I'm not sure whether I want to carry on blogging or not.

Life is both pretty good and pretty shit at the same time. Finally met a man I like, but its not going to work, so I'm a bit pissed off about that. I'm missing Carol, bloody eggs. Mind I'm addicted to wordtwist. Sooner Julie sorts hers out so we can be addicted together again the better.

Assuming the apparently serious disease known as man flu doesnt kill me, I am going to Aberdeen on Thursday. The lovely Groovin Moomin is madly getting married, so I'm going to go and check she goes through with it, and laugh at Mark in a suit :-D

I quite like the way blogspot has let me have 2 blogs though. The other one is still very private, though you now all know where its hosted. This one is public, so feel free to let anyone who's bored enough read it have the link.

Cant be arsed to type any more


Kaz said...

\0/ yeah glad you havn't given up, looks like all the gang are here now except the kilted one.. hope he pulls his finger out soon.

Jo said...

you cant not blog ... i wont allow it

jewelys said...

I wish my wordtwist was sorted as well. At least you can challenge other people.
Thanks for the link xxxx

Kaz said...

ok woman... pull your finger out and give us some more blogging!!

Izzybee said...

Yay! New Blog!

You've been bookmarked in both browsers. Feel special :-p