Monday 13 October 2008

I am stressed. Very stressed. Fucking kids. I dont agree with Amos' schools current approach to homework as it is, but thats a different rant. Suffice to say he has had 3 weeks to do some history thing. He has to pick a person, event, discovery or invention, and produce some work on it. It is due in tomorrow, he has jsut started it. He keeps moaning he doesnt know what to do, thinks that a scribbled bit of paper will do, and whenever i've asked/suggested anything has jsut grunted dunno, and done fuck all

So I've got a bit of paper, written his intro for him, done him a structure for it. Told him what thing to put where, explained that he cannot just use wikipedia as his sole source, and found him some other suitable pages on the net. He keeps wondering off to watch fucking scrubs, and does not seem to understand that i'm pissed off that he's wanting to use my laptop for all this. There are 3 pcs in this house, one in his bedroom ffs, this one is MINE.

So powerpoint isnt working cos i need a licensed copy blah blah. I have one, I jsut dont know where the authenication key thingy is. So I told him, use open office. I dont have that on my pc he says. Fucking download it then! I am perfectly prepared to help him with his homework, but I am not writing it for him, nor am I going to accept the argument that 3 or 4 scribbled lines, full of spelling errors, is better than nothing, and therefore in his mind, will do. Something that is meant to have taken him 3 weeks WILL involve a draft version!

I have now burnt dinner while trying to sort him out too

Someone, please, tell him that teenage behaviour is for TEENAGERS, and that he is 11!! He's been a total brat recently, winding up his sisters loads, irritating the hell out of me, and got kicked out of church youth group for part of it yesterday for being a little git there too.

Rant over. And now, I dont yet feel any calmer, so dont chose now to annoy me!

1 comment:

Kaz said...

Been there got the T-shirt... don't worry they all do it. The problem is a percentage of the parents out there actually do the homework for their kids and those are the ones that get the good grades while the ones who try really hard on their own just get the average marks.