Thursday 23 October 2008

I keep forgetting to blog. Oops

Went to a quiz at Amos' school last Friday. The pta is new, been going for about a year, so werent very many people there, but I had a very very good time. Really enjoyed it. Abby won a box of choccies in the raffle (she was the only one of us with any money) and we were invited to join another small team, that was mostly teachers. We came 2nd \o/ This is actually better than first, except from the bragging point of view, as 1st got 2 bottles of wine and 2nd got choccies :-D

Saturday I did nothing \o/ Sunday I did nothing \o/ Well, I beat the girls at cluedo, did a jigsaw with Amos, went to church, washed up, cooked, all those sorta things, but not much else. Went to the pub as usual. Won the quiz \o/

This week I have looked after Jonathan for 3 days while his Mummy was at work. Not for much longer though, as she goes on maternity leave soon, and does appear to be counting down the number of shifts she has left ;)

Nothing much else happening. Cat seems to be fine now. I shant take him to the vets to check, I'm poor enough already ty.

Oh Holly had 'Myths and magic' day at school yesterday. Its halloween related in my mind and I dont really like it, but never mind. Holly doesnt own any dressing up stuff like that, but Bethan had a spare outfit she borrowed. Theres a certain irony in her going as a devil!


Helen said...

you need to remind me about that pic of J you wanted. I got it developed!!!

Kaz said...

Well done at the quiz(s), probably just as well you didn't win the wine what with being a t-total year and all that. Are you sending blog alerts and if you are can you add me... pleeeeesssseeeee!!!