Thursday 16 October 2008

Abigail came out of school and Tuesday and announced it was parents evening. What, today? says I. Yup. Shit

However her teacher still had lots of spaces, and so we dutifully returned 2 hours later and got told shes perfect :-D Always works hard, always happy, polite, pleasure to have in the classroom. Doing very well, in top sets for everything they are setted for.

Then Wednesday I had a routine parent teacher meeting with Amos' tutor and got told similar. Thud. Thats first time ever with him. You can tell she's only his tutor and doesnt actually teach him ;) However she did say, attendance is excellent, behaviour ditto. Doing well, amazing high cat scores (no, i dont really know what they are either). Apparently it shows that he's very intelligent. Dozy woman told me this news as if I didnt already know it!

I moaned about homework, and she was 'grateful for the feedback'. Encouraged me to email her over anything. I also pointed out that their targets for him were way too low. She was saying stuff about being a level 6 by the end of year 9. He's a level 6 now fgs!! Well, a couple of marks short, so ought to be damn soon. I did also for the first time ever get told what his reading age is. 15. This I'm told is impressive, and that most 11 yr old boys are way below their actual age even. Once again, it is not news to me that he is an avid reader! She mentioned their library, he and I pointed out that he's already on his 3rd book from it.

The lovely Claire has been having a clear out, and she has kindly given me a new (to me) bed. So I took the old mattress to the tip and happily threw it away, and let Amos destroy the base. Apparently the wooden frame is being turned into a go cart. I'm not asking. With the room bedless, I even painted some more. Thats 2 more walls down \o/ Once i've sorted through/moved the rest of my stuff I can do the last one and finally it will look something like a grown ups room. Then all I'll need to do is find a grown up ;)

Today I spent the morning at the vets. What joy. The silly cat appears to have been in a fight, and one leg is swollen. He limped his way to his breakfast this morning :( He's been jabbed with anti biotics and I have anti inflamatory's to give him for the next few days. £66 !!! Lets just hope he gets better, or I get to take him back and hand the rest of my money over next week

Nothing else worth blogging about.


Kaz said...

Is the cat insured?... if not Tescos do a pretty reasonable one but there is a £50 excess which means its only worth claiming on major injuries.

Kaz said...

Oh yes and why are you following other people's blogs and not mine??