Wednesday 15 April 2009

Pics of doggy

This is Smartie, and Abby, and a bit of Amos. I took it yesterday morning. You can kind of see her leg, though its less obvious now than a couple of weeks ago when it was all freshly shaved and bald. As I think I said, its not in a cast, just pins, as hopefully the next pic shows.....

It looks worse than it is, but you can understand why when it was new, Holly took one look and burst into tears! It is actually 6 metal pins which are screwed into her bone, with a bar across them all holding them in place, and firmly so. If all continues to go well, she has an xray in about 4 weeks, which should show the bone all healed, at which point the pins come out.

Those pics were taken after last weeks green bandage came off. Some skirmish with one of the cats. So yesterday when we went to vets for check up, she got a lovely new pink one. Its main purpose being to protect her and us from the ends of the pins! They may not be needle sharp, but trust me, you dont wanna get poked by one. As todays final pic shows, she is generally pretty chilled out, and doing well \o/

1 comment:

Jessie said...
