Thursday 5 March 2009

Well today started as planned. Except for the strange white stuff that fell from the sky. It never normally snows here, yet this morning it did, and confused everyone who lives here.

Amos went to school, I went online. Had a lovely email in my in box again, its a great way to start the day :) Took the girls to school, and went into Abby's for her class assembly. I was very proud of her, she had a small talking part and she did it!! She's quite shy and hates standing up in front of people. The mere idea of saying something as well terrifies her, and I did wonder if she might chicken out. But she didnt \o/

Then I picked up Jonathan, came back home. He went to play, I went online ;) Had planned to give him lunch then get on with the stuff I couldnt do yesterday. It was around about then that the day stopped going to plan :-\ I got a phone call from Amos' school, he was very pale, looked on the verge of fainting, could I go get him. So once again he is home, and not quite right. He's mostly fine, and hopefully a quiet afternoon reading and on the wii, then an early night and tomorrow he'll be ok.

If not, he'll have buggered my plans for a third day running!


mrs robinson said...

kids tut, they can never be ill during holidays when you can pack them off to bed and enjoy the peace and quiet ;-)

Jessie said...

I still say put them in care!