Wednesday 18 March 2009

ok, when I said I was gonna blog more often, clearly I lied. Tough.

Update on last post.....Last Sunday I had a police officer come out, we had a little chat. My strimmer had been found by someone else that morning and returned, well most of it, the guard is still missing :-\ I dont want to press charges or anything, I just want the kids involved to know its not on, and to leave me alone. So the officer left me to go straight to see said kids and have a 'word'. It appears to have worked, not a peep from any of them since \o/

And a brighter note, I've jsut got off the phone to a lovely lady. She works for the CSA, and they havent forgotten me :-D In fact the person I spoke to works in the criminal department. As soon as they can pin him to an address, and serve him a notice, which has to give 14 days before they can take him to court, they will be taking him to court :-D

He's being done for failing to provide information to the csa. And another department are working on actually getting money out of him. If they cant, they will be lodging that debt with a court too. He really is stupid enough to think he can get away with not paying for his kids, its fab to know that the csa agree with me that there's no way he will, and we WILL get him! They have a range of things they can do to him, including imprisoning him. Sounds fair to me. I know its harsh of me to say it, but it is a last resort, and is unlikely to happen, but if they get to it, he will deserve it.

Had parent teacher meeting with Holly's teacher today. She is, of course, doing very very well. I get on really well with Mrs Stephens, so we jsut had a natter. I get to see Amos' teachers next week, which will be much more interesting, though I can tell you now what almost all of them will say. I've been told the same thing about him at pretty much every parent teacher meeting for the last 7 years!

Abigail this afternoon apparently went on a class trip to the local cemetery. Erm, ok. I signed a form ages ago, giving permission for them to take kids out locally any time they like. Makes far more sense than sending a form every time, and waiting for all the replies etc. However, it does mean that I have not a clue why they went to the cemetery. It would appear to be simply because they could. Very odd, but I trust her school, so dont mind.

I'm still slowly working on the hall floor. Having said I couldnt be bothered to prepare it properly, I keep finding myself actually preparing bits of it :-\ Its about 3 quarters done now though, and looking fab. I would offer to post a pic when its finished, but we all know I'd be lying.

And now the weather. Its sunny. Nice warm, spring day. The sort that leaves you feelign you ought to out in the garden, tidying it up a bit and planting seeds etc, and then slightly guilty that you havent. It has been like this all week, and I havent done a thing in the garden yet. Oh well, theres always next week. Or more realistically, next year

Any thoughts on what we can have for dinner? I cant be bothered to cook, but no money for takeaway. Answers on a postcard to the usual address please


Kaz said...

If you have penne pasta, mozzerella Cheesse and tinned tomatoes that makes a very nice pasta bake... in fact I think that is what I shall do as I can't be arsed to cook either.

Jessie said...

but that to me is cooking.