Tuesday 31 March 2009

Not a great day

Its a good thing I had nothing planned today, jsut some bits around the house. So at least I didnt have to rearrange or cancel anything.

The day started well, took kids to school, then dog to Weston shore for a walk. I walked, she ran, sniffed, bounced around, sniffed some more, usual sort of thing. Then just before we got back to the car, she went into some bushes, there were things to sniff. Only she did whats shes never done before and went a very long way into the bushes, and then out the other side. Straight into a car :( The poor driver had no chance, was entirely the dozy dogs fault. I didnt see it, just heard her squeals, but it would appear the car jsut clipped her, caught her shoulder and front leg. But that stretch of road is a 40mph limit, and the car was likely to have been doing about that, so even jsut catching her would do quite some damage. And it has :(

Fortunately her head is fine, and her chest/stomach area. And 3 legs are fine. But the 4th has broken in at least 2 places. I obviously found her as fast as I could, got her to car and drove straight to vets (pausing to exchange mobile numbers with driver). Vets have given her lots of painkillers and fluids, she was understandably in a lot of pain and in shock. Am waiting for a phone call any minute with the results of the xray, but they already know she will need an op, either tomorrow or thurs. She is, obviously, staying at the vets til after op, all doped up.

Its very weird here without her. I'm jsut hoping and praying its 'just' 2 breaks, one in each bone, and that they are clean breaks.

And no, shes not insured. I did start looking into it a couple of weeks ago, but didnt finish comparing whats covered by which companies and how much etc. Shes at the PDSA who are a charity providing vets for people who cant afford them. But if she needs specialist treatment, they dont do that, and I'd have to pay. Which of course I would, but at the moment I'm in that horrible stage of jsut not knowing whats needed.

I'll post agasin later when I know more


Kaz said...

Poor thing, I hope it turns out to not be too complicated and she gets better soon.

Jessie said...

awww poor you and smartie xxxx

mrs robinson said...

you know the bit where you said her head is fine........