Friday 21 November 2008

I havent blogged for lots of reasons, one being that nothing has happened. Well nothing really worth blogging.

I have jsut returned from walking the dog. We have taken to trying to go to a local park first thing as its a full on dog fest. 16 different ones this morning, though not all at once. Most at once was I think 13. They all love it, play loads and wear each other out beautifully. Smartie was much better with Madison today, which was good, as she was very funny with her on Tuesday. And although I know Maddy is a big soppy thing, she doesnt look like one you'd argue with. Shes a cross between a great dane and a newfoundland!!

I must remember to get some new balls for Smartie, she kept nicking other ones this morning. See, I told you it was nothing interesting.

Still fairly tired a lot of the time. feeling pretty fed up a lot too. Money, children, men, covers it all really. If I could find a decent, rich man, who could get my kids to behave I think that would sort it.

Actually, to be fair, Holly has been a lot bette this week. Probably jsut means one of the others will start playing up instead :-\

Oh, and I can set it so that up to 10 people get email alerts when I post. So if you want to be one of those, let me know. If you dont start getting alerts, either I dont like you, or 10 other people got there first.


Kaz said...

Well I got an alert so I must be one of the chosen few \0/.

mrs robinson said...

She likes me too Kaz ;-)
good luck on finding a decent rich bloke who can get kids to behave....i think they are only available in dreams.

Jessie said...

Dreams they can come tru ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo they can come truuuu ooooooo.