Tuesday 31 March 2009

Dog update

I've spoken to the vet again. She's had her xrays, and the good news is that its only her leg that got injured. The bad news is that it is broken, and not cleanly :( Both bones have splintered :-\

She will hopefully have her op tomorrow, and if everything goes to plan, in about 6 weeks she will be back to normal, and will be hard to believe it ever happened. However operations always carry a degree of risk, and theres also a slight possibility of a problem with the blood supply to the area which would affect healing. Also a possibly it wont knit back together properly.

BUT shes a young dog, will be 4 end of April. She's fit, healthy, and the odds are that she'll be fine. Jsut get to wait now. Hopefully she'll be home tomorrow, then we go back after 6 weeks for another xray to see if all is as it should be

Not a great day

Its a good thing I had nothing planned today, jsut some bits around the house. So at least I didnt have to rearrange or cancel anything.

The day started well, took kids to school, then dog to Weston shore for a walk. I walked, she ran, sniffed, bounced around, sniffed some more, usual sort of thing. Then just before we got back to the car, she went into some bushes, there were things to sniff. Only she did whats shes never done before and went a very long way into the bushes, and then out the other side. Straight into a car :( The poor driver had no chance, was entirely the dozy dogs fault. I didnt see it, just heard her squeals, but it would appear the car jsut clipped her, caught her shoulder and front leg. But that stretch of road is a 40mph limit, and the car was likely to have been doing about that, so even jsut catching her would do quite some damage. And it has :(

Fortunately her head is fine, and her chest/stomach area. And 3 legs are fine. But the 4th has broken in at least 2 places. I obviously found her as fast as I could, got her to car and drove straight to vets (pausing to exchange mobile numbers with driver). Vets have given her lots of painkillers and fluids, she was understandably in a lot of pain and in shock. Am waiting for a phone call any minute with the results of the xray, but they already know she will need an op, either tomorrow or thurs. She is, obviously, staying at the vets til after op, all doped up.

Its very weird here without her. I'm jsut hoping and praying its 'just' 2 breaks, one in each bone, and that they are clean breaks.

And no, shes not insured. I did start looking into it a couple of weeks ago, but didnt finish comparing whats covered by which companies and how much etc. Shes at the PDSA who are a charity providing vets for people who cant afford them. But if she needs specialist treatment, they dont do that, and I'd have to pay. Which of course I would, but at the moment I'm in that horrible stage of jsut not knowing whats needed.

I'll post agasin later when I know more

Wednesday 18 March 2009

ok, when I said I was gonna blog more often, clearly I lied. Tough.

Update on last post.....Last Sunday I had a police officer come out, we had a little chat. My strimmer had been found by someone else that morning and returned, well most of it, the guard is still missing :-\ I dont want to press charges or anything, I just want the kids involved to know its not on, and to leave me alone. So the officer left me to go straight to see said kids and have a 'word'. It appears to have worked, not a peep from any of them since \o/

And a brighter note, I've jsut got off the phone to a lovely lady. She works for the CSA, and they havent forgotten me :-D In fact the person I spoke to works in the criminal department. As soon as they can pin him to an address, and serve him a notice, which has to give 14 days before they can take him to court, they will be taking him to court :-D

He's being done for failing to provide information to the csa. And another department are working on actually getting money out of him. If they cant, they will be lodging that debt with a court too. He really is stupid enough to think he can get away with not paying for his kids, its fab to know that the csa agree with me that there's no way he will, and we WILL get him! They have a range of things they can do to him, including imprisoning him. Sounds fair to me. I know its harsh of me to say it, but it is a last resort, and is unlikely to happen, but if they get to it, he will deserve it.

Had parent teacher meeting with Holly's teacher today. She is, of course, doing very very well. I get on really well with Mrs Stephens, so we jsut had a natter. I get to see Amos' teachers next week, which will be much more interesting, though I can tell you now what almost all of them will say. I've been told the same thing about him at pretty much every parent teacher meeting for the last 7 years!

Abigail this afternoon apparently went on a class trip to the local cemetery. Erm, ok. I signed a form ages ago, giving permission for them to take kids out locally any time they like. Makes far more sense than sending a form every time, and waiting for all the replies etc. However, it does mean that I have not a clue why they went to the cemetery. It would appear to be simply because they could. Very odd, but I trust her school, so dont mind.

I'm still slowly working on the hall floor. Having said I couldnt be bothered to prepare it properly, I keep finding myself actually preparing bits of it :-\ Its about 3 quarters done now though, and looking fab. I would offer to post a pic when its finished, but we all know I'd be lying.

And now the weather. Its sunny. Nice warm, spring day. The sort that leaves you feelign you ought to out in the garden, tidying it up a bit and planting seeds etc, and then slightly guilty that you havent. It has been like this all week, and I havent done a thing in the garden yet. Oh well, theres always next week. Or more realistically, next year

Any thoughts on what we can have for dinner? I cant be bothered to cook, but no money for takeaway. Answers on a postcard to the usual address please

Saturday 7 March 2009

Bloody long post, and not happy news :(

In short, I'm having problems from what could loosely be called children. Not mine, the local lot with their asbo's.

I think it was them on Tuesday calling at me as I got out of car with girls after Abby's swimming lesson. They were jsut calling out can we come to yours for dinner, and I didnt even acknowledge that I'd heard them. Little brats being well brats I thought, and got on with life.

You're getting the full details btw so I have it for myself as a record, if you want the short story, stop reading now.

So then last night, would have been about 8pm, I heard a noise. I thought it was Holly jumping down off of the ladder to Amos'. But then Holly came downstairs and said it was the door, so I went and looked. There was my bike, that had been in my garden. Someone had taken it from my garden, and rammed it into my door. Naturally by then, there was no one in sight. About 10 minutes later, there was another thud at the door, and this time I jsut opened it and let the dog run. I also ran, usually unheard of I know. Its amazing what anger can help you do. Kids got to corner before me, and by time I'd rounded it, no sign. So I went and knocked on the door of the local troublemakers, eldest of whom cant be more than 10. Mother answered, I said I'd had some trouble from some kids, had hers been in the whole time? And this other woman there went off on one. BIG time, shouting and screaming and swearing at me, barely let me get a word in, and eventually mother pushed her away and shut door. Was only way to get her to shut up.

I was really really shaken by it all. Felt very scared, vulnerable and unsafe in my own home :(

Oh, and one other tiny but possibly relevant thing. As I ran down road after them, dog ahead of me, I passed another child, who kinda said whoa, as dog ran past. As I was knocking door, said child walked past me into side door. He had a carrier bag so had just been to shop. Now him I saw again today, so is likely to back his mates up with their lies, but wasnt one last night.

Annoyingly I didnt actually see any of them properly last night, it was dark, so theres fuck all I can do :-\

However today......I had jsut left tescos with the girls when my mobile rang. It was Amos who told me he'd heard the gate, looked out the window and saw kids running off down the road with my strimmer. He rang me at 16.46, so it happened a few minutes earlier.

I got home, unloaded shopping and went down to try and sort things. You'll all be stunned to hear I knocked on the same door as last night. Only this time Amos had seen and I knew it was one of them. No response to start with, so I knocked again, heard a voice tell a child to not answer door, so I knocked again. Voice shouted to go away. So I called out " return my property then". That got the door open!

I explained calmly, that the kids had been seen taking tennis rackets and my strimmer, and it was undoubtably jsut them thinking it childish pranks, but I wanted my stuff back.

I dont believe it was childish pranks btw, I think they are nasty little shits. But in the interests of getting it sorted calmly and easily....

She said she'd have a word with them, I said thank you, and walked off. Went to my lovely neighour who lives opposite and who I spoke to about it all last night. As we're talking 2 of the little shits appeared with 2 of MY tennis rackets, adn a ball. They threw them onto my garden from half way down the street, but I spose they had at least jsut about returned them. Very helpfully my neighour instantly recognised one of them, and we already knew the identity of the other.

They then sauntered off, and I called to them to return my strimmer too. They played innocent and said stuff like waht strimmer? we aint got no strimmer? I told them they had been seen with it, and to give it back.

The house in question is down the road from me, and round the corner, 3rd house along, and has an alley to its back garden. So kids go down alley, and about this time mad woman from last night appears. This time I recognise her, and lovely neighbour even knows a name. She was a lot calmer (ie sober), and asked what was going on. I told her, and when after a minute or two there were no children re appearing, we walked to the corner, where I saw the 3 little toads legging it, one of them holding MY STRIMMER!! They went down Grove Gardens, which at that point is a dead end. However, that wasnt gonna worry them. WHen after am inute they didnt re appear I followed, and they were going over a fence into a back garden. However someone who lives down there had heard a nosie, and had his window open telling them to get down.

Frustratingly, he didnt see them with my strimmer. So at the moment, its gone. The kids jsut swaggered off and said that I couldnt prove anything. Arrogant, cocky little bastards.

Annoyingly, we all know they are right. I didnt see which one actually was holding the strimmer, and there were 3 of them :-\ However I have spoken to the police and someone is coming out to take a statement tomorrow at 5pm

My biggest worry at the moment is that they will continue to harass me. They know damn well they can get away with most things. Speaking to the police has helped though, today I dont feel upset as such. Angry more than anything else

So there we have it. I shall update you on what else happens. I suspect it will be when, not if :(

Thursday 5 March 2009

Well today started as planned. Except for the strange white stuff that fell from the sky. It never normally snows here, yet this morning it did, and confused everyone who lives here.

Amos went to school, I went online. Had a lovely email in my in box again, its a great way to start the day :) Took the girls to school, and went into Abby's for her class assembly. I was very proud of her, she had a small talking part and she did it!! She's quite shy and hates standing up in front of people. The mere idea of saying something as well terrifies her, and I did wonder if she might chicken out. But she didnt \o/

Then I picked up Jonathan, came back home. He went to play, I went online ;) Had planned to give him lunch then get on with the stuff I couldnt do yesterday. It was around about then that the day stopped going to plan :-\ I got a phone call from Amos' school, he was very pale, looked on the verge of fainting, could I go get him. So once again he is home, and not quite right. He's mostly fine, and hopefully a quiet afternoon reading and on the wii, then an early night and tomorrow he'll be ok.

If not, he'll have buggered my plans for a third day running!

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Today I had a handful of things planned. Then Amos announced he was ill, and I scraped all of them :-\ He didnt have any real symptons, but he never misses school. He never moans about going, never has to be nagged to go, so when he says he's not up to going, I believe him. Oh, and he only ate half his dinner last night and went to bed voluntarily at 7.30pm!! He is back to eating me out of house and home again now though, so tomorrow will go to school again.

So instead of going out, I decided today was a good day to lay a new floor in the hall. Well, start laying one. I have finally cleared the old table out, put new floor in the corner, moved stuff round some more. I've only got cheap vinyl tiles, and I cant be bothered to worry about making the floor vaguely flat and level. But I hate the current floor more than I can explain. Half of it is a foul brown carpet, and the other half is where the carpet got removed and its a foul brown concrete. The new tiles are a pale parquet style, and even the little bit I've done so far looks sooooo much better.

Tomorrow I have Jonathan for the day, which as always should be lovely. He's very easy to look after, and in general a delight to be around. I may even get to run some of the errands I had planned for today.

I'm off now to watch Grand Designs, which I adore. And after the first few minutes of it, this looks like being a beautiful building