Saturday 28 February 2009

Wow, it really is a long time since I blogged.

Been long enough that I have actually done stuff that isnt just boring day to day crap. I've done that too, the washing machine still goes round often, the dog acts likes every time I take her for a walk is the first time ever, or since well, yesterday. The children continue to go to school, thank god.

In January I took a day off and went to London, been far too long since I was there, love it. Met up with a bunch of weird aol people ;) Usual sort of meet stuff, we mostly sat in pubs drinking, chatting and laughing. I believe quite a bit of sex happened too, sadly none of it involved me :-\

Bizarrely, having not been to central London in nearly 2 years, I ended up in the exact same place about 3 weeks later!! The kids and I had a fantastic day out. Someone I've known for nearly 20 years(scary!!) was turning 30, and while most people go out for a meal or throw a party, she organised a treasure hunt!! There wasnt any actual treasure, it was just for fun, and fun we had. There are even pics, I must sort some onto here.

A couple of weeks ago my brother came to visit for a few days. I dont see him very often, so it was lovely. And he is very useful :-D He fixed various little bits, like my leaking roof :-x He also did a load of new woodwork I've been waiting years for. I need to now get on and prime and gloss it all. Its already looking good, and hopefully soon it will look amazing. Its sooooo good to finally be getting some of my house sorted.

Ooooh and we finally got an ikea in Southampton. Took years of planning wrangling and building, but I now have cheap, reasonable furniture easily available to help finish the house off.

And once again, like buses, and going to London, having not seen my brother for ages, I then saw him again the week after. In half term he and his wife, and their girls, had a narrowboat holiday booked for the week. However as its out of season, its when maintenance on the canals happens, and annoyingly for them, this time it was on the stretch they were booked to go to! Which meant they could go up and down a fair bit of water, but no locks :-\ But cos they couldnt go far, they invited us to join them for a couple of days, so we did. We all loved it, I've been on ones before, but many years ago, before I had kids. Apart from the little bit where we had the M1 100 yards away, it was, as always, very relaxing. With a maximum speed of 4mph, you have to slow down.

I even managed to do some steering without crashing it \o/ And although there is a little tv onboard, it wasnt switched on. Instead the kids and us played connect 4 and cards. And my brother and I were remembering playing a specific card game as kids when we went to our Nans. And after he texted my mum for details, and googled the rules, we taught it to our kids. They really enjoyed it, and it was jsut so nice to sit around with the 5 of them and my brother playing cards. No technology or distractions, just plain old fashioned fun

Then last Saturday we went and had lunch in Guildford as my mother in law was over for a few days, and its nice for her to see the kids. And it means I keep vaguely in touch with that side of the family. I stuggle with many of them, but jsut cos the ex is a twat doesnt mean his family are. It had been 6 months since she and the kids had seen each other, and will be another 6 til they do again.

Then we went to see MY Mummy, as it was her birthday the next day. Despite seeing her far more than the mil, I alwayas enjoy seeing her. Except for one thing. She has bought the girls bloody High School Musical 3 on dvd, and I am currently having to sit through it yet again!!

It doesnt help that its the story of 2 teens madly in love, and being all gooey. I'm damn glad to not be a teen any more. But being single... why is it so hard to find a man I like, who likes me, who is single, solvent, loves dogs and tolerates kids??

So anyway, I guess thats most of my news. I promise, I will blog more often. I have been suitably chastised for the lack of posts recently, there is at least one person out there who is intereted in the mundanity of my life.

The government really do need to sort out the shortage of high quality psychiatic help ;)


Kaz said...

Welcome back \0/... I missed your blogs. Sounds like you have had a pretty busy time. I've always fancied a canal holiday, maybe one day.... keep up the good work xx

mrs robinson said...

There is a reason why you can't find a man, they are like parking spaces, all the good ones are taken, the rest are disabled and when you finally find one someone nips in andgrabs it before you ;-)
I've given up looking.

Jessie said...

Thats very profound carolly indeed!

Nice to see you to see you nice ellie xxx