Tuesday 27 January 2009

Cant be bothered blogging. Doesnt feel like theres anything to say. None of you are really that bored as to care that this morning I walked the dog, and in a bit i'm going to have a bath. After that I expect I will load the washing machine, and do some washing up. I may wash the kitchen floor, go on facebook for a bit, then get kids, do dinner, wash up again, then once they are in bed tidy up. Again.

As for things that arent the H word related, stuff like feelings, or thoughts, I'm reluctant to say about on a public blog. As tends to be the way with me, the same few things go round and round my head. It doesnt get me anywhere, and is usually best to not share.

One of the strange men I met a few months ago is taking me for dinner again tomorrow. We've done this enough times now for it to jsut about be classed as a regular thing. Is nice to spend an evening away from the kids and with someone else cooking. And the company is lovely too ;) Before any of you get carried away, its not a 'relationship' just 2 people having a nice evening every couple of months or so.

And now for the weather. Very foggy out today. Near continuous noise of ships horns down on the water. Its starting to get annoying. Tomorrow there will probably be weatehr again. It wont be interesting then either.

I also appear to be both tired and hormonal. Not a good mix, and sometime soon not only will I be feelign a bit out of sorts, but will start on the most men are bastards thing again. Roll on tomorrow when I can bitch about men to a lovely man who will let me rant then cheer me up :)


mrs robinson said...

we have weather sometimes too, although not according to the bbc we dont

Jessie said...

I have a snowdrop in my garden.

Anonymous said...

Not a relationship? So just sex then.

Jessie said...

Just to let you know.....I have Madonna tickets :)