Wednesday 10 December 2008

I have been to Tescos today. 3 times. 1st time to look at what deals they had and check when the last order date is. Today apparently, so I came home, collected ID and went back. Their system didnt like me :( So after an hour of trying to sort it, I had to go, cos it was time for Hollys nativity. Once I'd got the girls, we went back again. After half hour in traffic jam cos of a 3 car pile up on Hamble Lane, and over an hour of getting the system to finally work, its all sorted \o/\o/ Phew!

The girls would love a Wii, but Amos isnt fussed, he wants an xbox 360. And theres no way I've got the money for all that. So instead Amos is getting a new mobile phone, which is coming with a 'free' Wii :-D And because its an 18 month contract etc, I dont have to pay a penny now \o/

Apart from that today I've erm, no, thats been about it. Well I did spend a few minutes in a hot, crowded school hall while Holly sang a few songs, as one of the masses that didnt have a starring role. SHe is very very happy about the church nativity though as she's Mary in that one!! She doesnt have any lines she tells me, so I'm hoping it being narrated otherwise it could be a blissfully quiet mimed performance.

In other news, its only 2 weeks til my best friends 2nd child is due to be born. So will be here any day but that one. We're hoping for early as the due date is xmas eve, but as long as its healthy etc, we dont mind that much. Very much looking forward to meeting it, and having a cuddle. other peoples babies are great.

Preparations for Christmas are going well, better than they have for years. I am much more organised this year, and so far, its all going to plan. This leads to far less stress, which is fab, especially as I am currently suffering from man flu. Thats a cold btw.


Jessie said...

Do you think Hamble lane was named after 'the hamble' friend of big and little ted?

Im confused what did you need ID for?

Jo said...

you need i.d for tesco ?

Kaz said...

I was wondering about the ID too...