Sunday 28 December 2008

I am ill :(

Started feeling rough Tues evening, took drugs and was okish for most of xmas eve, but by xmas day was struggling big time. Had lost my voice, throat hurt, head hurt, everything ached, awful cough, temperature. I went to church, was on duty, came home, did pressie thing with kids, ate the lunch my mum had made, then went to bed. And have barely been out of it since :(

Some bits of me are a lot better. But I'm still not all well. oh, and boxing day my period started, jsut to add to the fun. And I'm teething. One of my wisdom teeth is coming through and its fucking hurting.

Tis a challenge to find a positive spin on any of it. Best I can manage is that at least Helens baby is late, and still not here, cos I wont be able to go see it while ill.

Oh, and my mummy was here til yesterday and was wonderful and looked after me. And I spose modern technology has its uses too. To save my throat, and voice, I have sent quite a few texts from my bed to downstairs. Mostly asking for tea and drugs

I am going to curl up and feel sorry for myself again now


Kaz said...

(((Ellie))) hope you are feeling better soon xx

Jessie said...

awww you sound like how I feel but much worse of course. get better soon xxxxxxx

Kaz said...

Bloody internet... ive started sneezing, coughing and feeling rough now... I blame you all!!!

Donna said...

awww poor Ellie. Hope you feel better soon xxxxx