Wednesday 31 December 2008

I am better, not 100%, but no longer feeling like death warmed up \o/

And so, as its New Years Eve, I spose I could write a reflective post like I threatened to. I didnt bother saving my old blog, most of it was just random wittering anyway. But I kinda wish I still had a few posts. Would be nice to re read ones from this time last year, see whats changed etc.

I can definitely say that I've gone an entire year without alcohol, unless I manage to accidentally have any in the next 9 hours. Its been an interesting experiment. Other peoples reactions in particular have been fascintaing. Many people thought I was mad (well dur, we knew that), a lot of people said they couldnt it. Make of that what you will. There were a fair few people who thought I couldnt do it, well ner ner ner ner ner to them.

There are people who say, well you've gone a year, why drink again? Because I like wine!! I'm not planning on saying well I did a year without, now lets get on with that alcoholism. Surely the logical conclusion to draw is that, as I knew, none of us NEED alcohol, but it is nice to have occasionally. I'm perfectly capable of having some or not having any, even when its free. And grrrr why did I pick a year when I was at so many events where it was being given away??

I doubt I'll be cracking anything open at 12.01, but I shant wait months either. I was given a very very nice bottle of white as a Christmas present, and well it would be rude not to drink it. I will only have a glass or two though. Ought to be enough after all this time to get me totally pissed :-x

I did last year decide on various other things. And I think its best not to dwell on those which havent gone so well, more to resolve (oooh thats almost like a resolution ;)) to do better next year. Some things I did manage, ie to pay off some more debt. But the amount owed is more than I can manage in 1 year, or even 2 sadly. However, I will keep chipping away at it, and one day I'll get it all gone.

I'd like to say the same about my excess weight, but that would rather imply I did something about it last year. Well I kind of did, but not quite what I'd intended. And the house is also most definitely a work in prgroess. Having kids does slow me down in my attempts to eradicate the chaos, they will persist in bringing yet more crap INTO my house, nearly as fast as I manage to get some OUT. Overall I am winning though.

And I'm very proud of my dining room. After all these years I have a finished room (except the curtains, but shush). And I'm determined that it wont take another 8 years to do another room. I WILL have a nice house for me and my kids to live in.

The other thing this time of year always makes me think of is people, and how relationships have changed over the year. And about those people who I didnt know a year ago, who are now so important to me. And being grateful that so many special people are still in my life. I'm blessed that once again, another year has passed withuot me going to a funeral, nor even had any close friends or relatives be in hospital.

And I'm very much look forward to meeting a specific couple of new people in 2009. One of them very soon I hope, as it is now a week late!!

With children its very hard to notice them changing when you see them every day. Its hard to remember exactly what they were all like a year ago, but like the rest of us, my kids are older than last year. And drive me mad though they do, and trust me, they really do, I cant help but feel proud of them overall.

So on the one hand, life is shit, I'm on my own, have very little money, struggle with the kids. On down days its hard to see beyond some of that.

But on the other hand, and the one I try to focus on more often, life is actually pretty damn good. I'm mostly healthy, as are the kids. We have materially got everythign we actually need, and quite a lot of what we want. I once again cant work out how, but I am surrounded by wonderful people who are all barking enough to think I'm worth knowing. Nuts, the lot of you. Not Brazil nuts though, more Pecans, mmmmm. With toffees.

Ooooh, I also remember deciding that 2008 was going to be a good year, and because I'd decided it, it must be true. And has it been? Well, what makes a good year? (what do you call a tyre with 365 used condoms in it? A Goodyear). Sorry

Anyway, its hard to pin down, but looking back, yes I would say it has been. So I shall raise my glass (of water) and wish all of you, the very very best for 2009. May you all have a Good Year. And if it involves the 365 condoms, please dont tell us.

1 comment:

Kaz said...

Happy New Year Ellie... and well done on the alcohol front... may we share a glass of two in 2009... I shall be in Southampton twice xxx