Saturday 22 November 2008

My daughters are both mathematical geniuses (genius'? geniusi?) Abbby is less than a term into year 3 and is already doing year 4 work, and Holly got a headteachers award this week for amazing maths. Her teacher had her sitting an old SAT paper this week, along with a handful of other kids, mostly to check progress and work out appropriate targets, and she was stunningly good

They take after me, obviously

Friday 21 November 2008

I havent blogged for lots of reasons, one being that nothing has happened. Well nothing really worth blogging.

I have jsut returned from walking the dog. We have taken to trying to go to a local park first thing as its a full on dog fest. 16 different ones this morning, though not all at once. Most at once was I think 13. They all love it, play loads and wear each other out beautifully. Smartie was much better with Madison today, which was good, as she was very funny with her on Tuesday. And although I know Maddy is a big soppy thing, she doesnt look like one you'd argue with. Shes a cross between a great dane and a newfoundland!!

I must remember to get some new balls for Smartie, she kept nicking other ones this morning. See, I told you it was nothing interesting.

Still fairly tired a lot of the time. feeling pretty fed up a lot too. Money, children, men, covers it all really. If I could find a decent, rich man, who could get my kids to behave I think that would sort it.

Actually, to be fair, Holly has been a lot bette this week. Probably jsut means one of the others will start playing up instead :-\

Oh, and I can set it so that up to 10 people get email alerts when I post. So if you want to be one of those, let me know. If you dont start getting alerts, either I dont like you, or 10 other people got there first.

Tuesday 11 November 2008

the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month

I cant find a version of this I really like, so this one will do.

Its a incredible song. About a young man who went to war and didnt come back. On this, the 90th anniversary of the end of wwi, once again as a nation we make the promise to never forget.

Were we alive on this day 90 years ago, as there was relief that the war was finally over, how much sorrow would there have been with it? My brother is 32, would he have been called up, would he have been one of the 20 million that never came home? Would I be raising a son to see him die in another war 20 years later?

We take so much for granted in our lives. I'm so grateful someone made sure that on this day every year we remember with immense gratitude those who died for us to have the freedom we do. In both the great wars, and in so many other conflicts.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Saturday 8 November 2008

Apparently Kaz wishes me to blog. I suspect that shes jsut bored while working nights, as my life really isnt that interesting!

Bugger all has happened most the week. Thursday was the highlight, I got 2 new tyres for my car, went to the bank to adjust a standing order, went to see my friends Claire and Nina and had my eyebrows waxed while there. They run a salon btw, it wasnt jsut a random thing. Holly had her friends Bethan and Daisy over to play after school. Oh yes, and I went out for dinner with a strange man in a posh restaurant.

The cauliflower and cumin soup was delicious, as was the leg of duck, but I'm not a fan of caramelised cabbage. It jsut doesnt really work. The company wasnt bad though :)

Am ok today, but a bit thoughful. And we all know what a bad idea thinking is! Contemplating the way people associated loneliness with being alone. The majority of the times I've ever felt lonely have been when lots of people are around. And while I'm not feeling especially lonely this evening, I do feel a bit alone. I know the kids are here, and its not that they dont count etc, just would be nice to have a special adult someone in my life. And am a bit sad about a couple of people who have come into my life, and who arent part of it anymore although I would like them to be.

Still life goes on. I will continue to do all the usual things, walk dog, feed kids, breathe. Thank god I'm not feeling depressed. Just a bit quiet. Maybe we'll win the quiz tomorrow.